Another step towards green


O bag continues its journey towards an increasingly circular economy with an important introduction to the footwear collection.
O bag presents O sneakers, the new shoes made in collaboration with ACBC, the first and only Italian footwear B Corporation,
one of the most authoritative certifications in the field of sustainability recognised internationally.

For O sneakers, the main components chosen are:

FreeBioTM RePU, a material based on recycled polyester, recycled polyurethane, calcium carbonate and wood chips. It was developed with the aim of obtaining the most responsible material possible, without compromising performance and durability.

ReCotton, a pre-consumer recycled cotton.

The project

Increasingly focused on creating an all-Italian and increasingly green production chain, O bag is committed to safeguarding the environment by achieving ethical, sustainable fashion through the 100% recycling and reuse of materials. This commitment gives rise to the products of the O zone collection, 55% to 63% recycled through the recovery of thermoplastic compounds.
This is the first concrete step towards the full recyclability of our products in the coming years. Continuous research and experimentation with new production technologies will help us create increasingly perfect products.

Fur free

Starting from its F/W 2016-17 collection, O bag decided to promote fashion that is not only innovative, but also sustainable and ethical, by completely abolishing animal fur from its collections. This truly significant decision has seen fur abandoned in favour of high quality faux fur. In cooperation with LAV (Anti-Vivisection League). the company has subscribed to the Fur Free Retailer Program developed by the Fur Free Alliance, an international coalition of more than 40 organizations working to stop the farming of animals for fur. For more information about the Fur Free Retailer Program visit


Close the Circle


In 2017, O bag launched its eco-friendly “CLOSE THE CIRCLE” operation, which consists in collecting, recycling and correctly disposing of O bag bodies in XL Extralight Material®. In this way, the company once again confirms its concern for the environment.

The new edition of “CLOSE THE CIRCLE” is part of a larger SUSTAINABILITY programme begun by O bag in 2018.
The project is currently active in O bag stores subscribing to the scheme, but the long term aim is to extend the operation to all countries where the brand is present.

The aims of the project are:

  1. to involve its customers in a “social” project they can be part of by handing their used bag bodies in at a store to be given a second life as puzzle-mats for children in Mozambique
  2. to support the non-profit Progetto Mozambico
  3. to dispose of the waste from this second process in a responsible, eco-sustainable way

to reward O bag customers who support the project by giving them a 20% discount on the price of a new body.


Pink is good - O bag for Pink is Good, it’s time to help!

Every year since 2014, the company has renewed its support for Fondazione Umberto Veronesi’s “Pink is Good” project that finances research in the fight against breast cancer. O bag has created and presented exclusive products featuring details that symbolize the project, the proceeds from which are entirely donated to the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi research fund.

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